Friday, December 21, 2012

25 days of Christmas (1-10)

Last year for Christmas my sister gave me this wonderful, beautiful advent box. It was too late last year to use it but I was so excited to bring it out this year. She is a very talented and wonderful lady. Thank you Liz.

I had a lot of plans for this box. In addition to the candy we put in activities in the box as well. Certain things to do during the day. I was excited. It didn't always go as planned and some activities didn't happen but we tried. The days we were successful were a lot of fun and I learned a lot for next year. 

Activities - 
1. Enjoy some hot cocoa. Boys love any reason to have cocoa. :)

2. Get out and Set up the Christmas Tree - They decided not to wait for me this year and I was okay with that. They did an awesome job and are very proud of their accomplishment.

3. Decorate Wreath - So this didn't get done on this day and the boys really didn't seem very interested in it at all so maybe I will leave it off or just make it myself next year. I love that it only cost me $2 from the dollar store to upgrade it. I reused the ribbon from last year.

4. Play Christmas Music - I love the K-Love Music Player

5. Decorate Tree - I blogged about this already. The boys decorated the tree with our sitter Nicole. It turned out very nice and I have not changed it. 

6. Play Christmas Music - So as I typing this out I realize that this has already been on the list, oops. Oh well, I love Christmas music.

7. Pizza and Video Games - The boys don't spend much time playing video games except on Sundays while I am working. Lucas and I had a date night so they got to play games with Nicole. It was a win - win for everyone. 

8. Write a letter to Santa Claus - I think this got done the following day. I always have the best intentions but life gets in the way sometimes. It was very funny to see the letters, Nathanial even wrote a letter for Kassie. 

9. Santa and Storybook Land - This was tons of fun. The boys are almost too old but Kassie was memorized  I plan on writing about it later. 

10. Make Snowflakes - We do snowflakes for the windows every year but couldn't seem to get the boys excited about it. We did do a few. Maybe doing something else next year. Not sure yet. I might still do some more as we usually keep them up on the windows until the end of January.

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