Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Plan Meets Reality - Another Day

Tuesday started out at 530 when Kassie decided to wake up. So I have been up since then. Why do teeth have to hurt so much when they come in. On the plus side Lucas started a load of laundry (I think he needed pants or something) so I started the dishes. I hate that just one bad day (Monday) can turn my whole house upside down. So I decided I was not going to sit down until the boys left for school which is at 715. I was able to do a full load of dishes, clean counters, sweep and make the bed. I was feeling really good about the day, then Kassie started to show that she had been up since 530 and my body reminded me that I have not really slept in a few days so we went back to bed around 8.

What started out as a highly productive day went down hill from there. Apparently one can only go without sleep for so long before it catches up with them. I struggled with a migraine the rest of the day and didn't get much else done however thanks to the burst of energy in the morning it didn't get worse. Some days it's important that things just don't get worse.

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